Woohoo! I am finally stitching again! The photo above is the January pin cushion challenge piece from my LNS. Each month we will receive a pattern that is charted with only one symbol. The challenge is to stitch it how we "see" it using whatever threads and fabric we wish. By December we should have them all finished into some sort of pin holding small and there will be a drawing for a prize =) It is a really fun challenge and I am actually keeping up with it so far. I saw a delft pattern in an older issue of JCS magazine and thought it would be neat to stitch my challenge piece like a delft tile.

Here is the February challenge piece. I used a piece of 28 count Daily Grind linen and some threads I had left from the tulip and star pin keep (Blackbird Designs) I made for my friend Kim. I think we get the March pattern this weekend and I can hardly wait to start it!

Here is my very first Mystery SAL. It is "Alla Turca" by Pelin Tezer and you can find the info on it
here . I am using Lakeside Linen Chantilly Creme and GAST Simply Shaker Weathered Barn. I am so loving this piece! Any other time I have tried to start a mystery sampler, I have ended up waiting until all the parts are out and then decided it is too big and don't do it. I even started one with my LNS and then stopped working on it before I even finished part one.
I am also working on several other projects which I will try to photograph and post about over the next few days. I signed up for another finishing class which is next month at my LNS. We will make a fob/ornament and learn to do ruched ribbon on the edge, and a tri-fold. I am doing the pre-stitching on those now.
I have updated my beaded creations album, see the link in the side bar.
Those PIF's I owe are in the works too! I will post again once they are mailed. I do still need to hear from
Sharon so I can get your address. Please email me if you read this. I tried posting to your blog but haven't heard back from you. I hope everything is okay.
Have a great day!